To Friend,
Petition: Thank you for helping us stop the spring bear hunt (SBH). Petitions can be a powerful tool to let the government know how upset people are, in this case about the reintroduction of the spring bear hunt. In order to have our petitions read into the legislative agenda, t is important to follow the instructions below:
Petitioners must be residents of the Province of Ontario but can be under the age of majority.
- Each person must print his or her name and address and sign his or her name.
- Petitions must be originals. Email, faxed or photocopied petitions are not admissible.
- Please print off as many as you can get filled with signatures and mail to Mike McIntosh: 3113, Sprucedale, Ontario. P0A 1Y0.
Background Information: When you approach friends, colleagues and others you may be asked questions. If you don’t know the answer, let us know and we will help. There are resources available for you to get the facts, and share this information with others. Suggested resources include :;
and the Facebook page: Say NO to the Spring Bear Hunt (Ontario)
and Bear Wise O.M.N.R. website at:
Click here for Petition
David Orazietti, Ontario Minister of Natural Resources
John Vanthof, NDP Critic, Ministry of Natural Resources
Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario
We understand that Ontario MPP Bill Mauro has is seeking to have a Private Member's Bills passed to bring back the spring bear hunt which has been banned since 1999. Please listen to the majority of Ontario residents and do NOT re-instate the spring bear hunt. Science shows that hunts, culls and other lethal action are not effective means of reducing wildlife conflict. Your own Ministry showed that when the spring bear hunt was in place 274 cubs were orphaned as a direct result; and despite what hunting lobbyists may claim, it is impossible to prevent this.
There is no way to effectively protect mothers and cubs while striving to kill other bears. The spring hunt will result in orphaning, suffering and cruelty and will impact Ontario’s ecosystem in unimaginable ways.
Please respond and confirm to the signers of this petition that you will not re-instate the hunt. I recommend you visit and click into government facts also bear encounters for information that will convince you a spring bear hunt is NOT wanted or needed in Ontario.
[Your name]
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